
A unique setting for every event

Creating experiences

This is at the heart of every event, every party, and every func­tion: the de­sire to create happy mem­o­ries that will long be re­mem­bered. Such ex­pe­ri­ences re­quire good ideas, fas­ci­nat­ing sub­jects, the right guests and… a unique sett­ing that is dif­fer­ent from all others.

Schloss Hohen­kam­mer stands alone – and happily shares its unique­ness with you. In ad­di­tion, our ex­pe­ri­ence is also vast con­cern­ing ideas and sug­ges­tions for your event.

Corporate events

Nothing is impossible

Event is another word for ex­pe­ri­ence. And this is what a prod­uct pre­sen­ta­tion, com­pany an­niver­sary or inter­na­tional forum should be: an un­forget­table ex­pe­ri­ence for your cus­tomers, em­ploy­ees or guests.

We know this and do everything to en­sure that your event is what you have pro­mised your­self it would be. Our motto “Noth­ing Is Im­pos­si­ble” shows us the way. The sooner you contact us, the more va­ri­ety of pos­si­bil­i­ties you will en­counter. If you al­ready have a great idea, all the better. You can count on us to help you re­alise it with the same greatness.

Requests and enquiries at
Phone +49 (0)8137 93 41 01

Event venues (German)

Event venues — overview

The sky is the limit!

Private functions

The feast of feasts

The word has gotten around: Schloss Hohen­kam­mer is also avail­able for pri­vate functions. This is a rumor that we are happy to con­firm. Yes, we look for­ward to greeting private guests who want to take ad­van­tage of the won­der­ful am­bi­ence of the castle and its premises and cel­e­brate their events here. Welcome!

Whatever you want to celebrate – a joyful wedd­ing, the big birth­day, pass­ing an im­por­tant test, the suc­cess­ful con­clu­sion of a deal, an im­por­tant cus­tomer visit or other cor­po­rate events: we are here to sup­port you.

Together, we will take care of the con­cept of your function and its organi­sa­tion. We’ll arrange your decora­tion and music (band, DJ, etc.). We’ll orga­nise carriage rides and enter­tain­ment (magicians, anchors, etc.) accord­ing to your require­ments. The culinary back­drop of your function will be in the excellent hands of the pro­fessional teams of our res­taur­ants – up to star-level.

Explore this magic place before your big function: Take a peek behind the strong castle walls and join our infor­ma­tive yet enter­tain­ing castle tour. Don't hes­i­tate and get in touch with us. We are look­ing forward to hear­ing from you soon!

To our wedding arrangements

Jiri Jobst
Head of meeting & event sales private functions
Phone +49 (0)8137 93 45 57

A one-of-a-kind celebration in an enchanting atmosphere

The most beautiful day

Event programs

Event and adventure

Enrich your meet­ing, event or cel­e­bra­tion with in- and outd­oor events. The choice is yours!

Jörg Löhr success training

Adventure and personal development

Always improving

Jörg Löhr is regarded as one of the “most sought after suc­cess and per­sonal de­vel­op­ment coaches” (Focus). Commit­ment to suc­cess, mo­ti­va­tion and per­son­al­ity de­vel­op­ment are the core of his train­ing. Löhr has se­lected the ex­cellent learn­ing centre Schloss Hohen­kam­mer as his cen­tral train­ing venue. Rope course train­ings play a main role in his train­ing ses­sions. Ad­ven­ture and learn­ing ex­pe­ri­ence meet here at high altitude.


A great sense of achievement with your team

The decisive “wow”

If your event is still missing that last kick, if it could stand just a quan­tum more ex­cite­ment, then Kiwi-Con­nec­tion is your ideal part­ner. The ex­pe­ri­enced out­door and event or­gan­iser designs and co­or­di­nates at­trac­tive team events and social pro­grams. In­di­vid­ually tai­lored con­cepts flawlessly com­bine the event’s objective, time­frame and num­ber of parti­ci­pants, as well as any spe­cial re­quests. All pro­grams can be con­ducted in German or English.

Active breaks, archery, cross golf, torch­light hikes, mobile rope elements, climbing, canoe tours, orientation rallies, raft building, rope bridges, catapult construction, outdoor winter activities etc.

Phone +49 (0)8327 93 19 900

VBA Events

Farm challenge with VBA Events

Connected Experts

The things that easily wither away in day-to-day working life quickly bloom again in a team event. The VBA Events experts fire up the cooperation and weld participants together as a unit. It doesn’t matter if it’s an action-based event, a challenge event, or pampering as a thank you. In-depth or with an emphasis on leisure. All events are tailored to the set goal and focus – as a separate programme or a highlight for meetings or kick-offs.

Beat the Box, Escape the Castle – Mobile Escape Game, Bavarian Olympics with the Super Bavarian, Show Acts & DJs, Show Concepts, Gala Evenings, Conference Frame­work Programmes, Farm Challenge, Tastings, Winter Team­building, Crazy Games, Big Picture etc.

Contact Tobias Fenzl
Phone +49 (0)179 99 83 540

Bogenpark Hohenkammer

A target in the woods

A concentration exercise with a bow and arrow

Located just a kilometre from the castle is the Hohenkammer Archery Park. You can creep slowly through the forest on the hunt for wild animals. Try to hit the lifelike rubber animals from different distances, with obstacles or balancing on a tree stump.

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